Preventive dentistry is the way of helping you keep a healthy mouth. The two main causes of tooth loss are decay and gum disease. The better we prevent these two problems, the more chance people have of keeping their teeth for life.

When the dentist and patient work together, this can help to prevent the need for treatment and avoid fillings and extractions. Your dentist may recommend how to get your mouth into good condition, and then work out a preventive plan to help you keep it that way.

Proper brushing Techniques

  1. Always use a soft bristled toothbrush
  2. Hold toothbrush at a 45-degree angle at the gum line, brushing in a circular motion
  3. Brush teeth for a minimum of two minutes at least twice a day.
  4. Brush gums and tongue along with your teeth.
  5. Don’t brush too hard because this can cause gingival (gum) recession.

Dental floss – Proper flossing technique

  1. Use an arms length (18 inches) of floss.
  2. Wrap around fingers and floss each tooth forming a “C” shape with the floss each time.
  3. Don’t forget to floss behind your last molar.
  4. Flossing removes plaque from behind your teeth that brushing misses.
Types of oral disease and ways to prevent them

Dental Caries

  1. Brushing and flossing
  2. Reduce your carbohydrate intake along with simple sugars
  3. Attention should be given to some fruits that are more acidic than others (oranges, lemons and tomatoes are some)
  4. Visiting a dentist for two cleanings each year.

Periodontal Disease

A. Gingivitis is the first stage of periodontal disease and is completely curable

  1. Bleeding gingival tissue while brushing teeth
  2. Red puffy gingival tissue
  3. May be sensitive to touch
  4. Bad breath (Halitosis)

B. Mild Periodontal disease

  1. Recession of gingival tissue
  2. Root exposed due to gingival recession
  3. May be sensitive to hot and cold liquids or foods
  4. Slight bone loss

C. Moderate Periodontal Disease

  1. Further recession of gingival tissue
  2. Usually large amounts of plaque and calculus build up
  3. Dental caries may form on root surface
  4. Bone loss and periodontal ligament detachment

D. Advanced Periodontal Disease (needs treatment by specialist Periodontist)

  1. Teeth could be loose
  2. Major bone loss along with damaged periodontal ligaments.
  1. Root scaling to remove calculus and plaque below the gum line.
  2. Surgery to reattach gingival tissue to the surface of the tooth (root) with or without graft.

Prevention is the sum of the actions that aim at delaying the manifestation of an illness or stopping it entirely. From ancient times, the importance of prevention in health matters has been recorded.

Today this theory is also recognized and applied by modern medicine. In this way, training and educating the patient focuses on the lifestyle of each person and his/her adaptation to a healthier model of living.

The patient is examined, informed and educated regarding the ways that they can change their lifestyle so that it becomes a life-long habit.